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Sugarcane Crop Rotations
Life cycle of sugarcane, yearly crop rotationSugarcane Yearly Crop Rotation
Year 1- Fallow/Plant, March- August. Plow out old stubble from previous crop. Fallow and seedbed preparation. In August, machine or hand plant seedcane.
Year 2- Plant Cane Crop, January- September. Herbicide, insecticide, fertilization and tillage field operations. In December, Harvest plantcane crop, sugarcane sent to mill for processing.
Year 3- 1st Stubble Crop, January-September. Herbicide, insecticide, fertilization and tillage field operations. In November, Harvest first stubble crop- sugarcane sent to mill for processing.
Year 4- 2nd Stubble Crop, January-September. Herbicide, insecticide, fertilization and tillage field operations. In October, Harvest second stubble cane crop- sugarcane sent to mill for processing.