Aunties Rum Cakes
www.AuntiesRumCakes.comAuthentic Caribbean Rum Cakes
Auntie’s Rum Cakes are authentic Caribbean rum cakes. They are home produced in Auntie’s kitchen, with the finest and freshest ingredients available, including farm fresh eggs and carefully aged Caribbean rum. Auntie’s individualized baking treatment, applied with tender loving care and pride, ensures a consistent, high quality product. You’ll love the rich delightful flavor and the light and delicate texture of these cakes that are so moist that they melt in your mouth!
Auntie’s Rum Cakes are For All Seasons . . . and for any reason. They are for those who do. . . as well as for those who don’t! Auntie has Rum-Free versions of her cakes, so everyone can enjoy Auntie’s delicious cakes.
Review of Auntie’s Original Rum Cake:
The outer color is golden, the cake has chopped toasted walnuts on top. The texture is medium and the aroma is primarily that of vanilla. The sweetness level is medium-high and the moisture content is high. The rum taste is medium-high. We liked the fact that moisture was very evenly distributed, whereas most rum cakes have it concentrated on the bot tom.
Review done by Luis & Margaret Ayala