Exclusive Interview with Benoit Bail on the Agrocile Tour 2017
Q: What is your name, title, company name and location?
My name is Benoit Bail, I’m associate of the Rum Embassy and I’m based in Berlin (Germany).
Q: You and your business partner, Jerry Gitany, formed your company The Rum Embassy in 2016 correct? What are your company’s goals and what is your role?
The role and goal of our company is to promote agricole rums from the French Caribbean on Export Markets (out of France), by representing the local brands from Martinique, Guadeloupe and French Guyana on Rumfest all around the World and during tasting events.
Q: Can you tell us a bit about what you have done since 2016?
For the very first time in history, we’ve managed to unite agricole rum brands from different islands to join on a common tour for promotion. This project is called “Agricole Tour” and has been presented in over 12 countries by now and at major rum festivals.
Q: Now your plans include an “Agricole Tour ” in the USA, correct? After the tour through California and Seattle, will you plan additional destinations?
We have more dates on the tour after the California Rumfest (and a tasting event in Seattle in the same week), but unfortunately not within the USA, but rather back in Europe. We’ll continue our tour throughout Belgium, Italy, Germany and Spain until the end of the year.
Q: How will you measure the success and impact of the tour?
We can measure it through the comments from the people visiting our stands during the events of course, but also by seeing the interest from some distributors in the countries we go to who want us to put them in touch with the brands to eventually distribute them in their country.
Q: What is the best way for our readers to contact you with questions about the tour?
The easiest way is to contact us through our Facebook page: “The Rum Embassy”.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Not specially! Thank you!
-Interview by Margaret Ayala, publisher of "Got Rum?" magazine-
I am pleased to share this very brief conversation with Benoit Bail regarding their Agricole Tour through California and Seattle.
We wish him and his partner a lot of success with this project.
Margaret Ayala, Publisher